Father Andrew

By Kevin Delaney

The Cathedral was filled

filled with reverence and hope
as we waited
with a sense of

eager expectation

The formal procession entered

hundreds of priests

dozens of deacons and seminarians

a few bishops

the four candidates

including our Andrew

The thunderous organ



gave tribute

We came for Andrew Choi
for his ordination

Our prayers, our hopes

centred on him

on this day

on his day

on his future

He always presented

as we anticipated

standing, kneeling, prostrating

a devout portrait

of poise

of sincerity

of prayerfulness

Archbishop Peter’s message

Go out to a life of giving

to be with others

to the point of weariness
to be fruitful

to the point of joyfulness

to be a lasting gift

to the point of loving

Be as Christ

serving not served

As the hundreds of hierarchy

lay hands on Andrew’s head

and later shared

their fraternal kiss

we wished to impart

our blessings

our approval

our rejoicing

for him

with him

Veni Creator Spiritus

Come Creator Spirit

fill his heart

with heavenly grace

As he processed out

we could see

on his face

that smile we know

beginning to emerge

beginning to play
that sparkle
beginning in his eyes


no longer serious

but looking

to share his joy

We all rejoice with him

wishing him
a joy-filled, loving and tiring

but satisfying ministry

May God's blessings
remain with him