
We are excited to be running Alpha again at Holy Family! We had great success with our two rounds of Alpha last year, with about 50 participants attending and over 70 parishioners volunteering for various roles. We are so grateful for the support of all of the volunteers who generously gave of their time and talents.

Alpha is a program that helps draw people into an encounter with Christ. Alpha begins with a meal; we then watch a video that explores a major question about Christianity; and lastly, we break into smaller discussion groups. Alpha is tailored towards those who do not know the Christian faith well but is open to anyone who has questions about Christianity or who would like to grow in their relationship with Christ. Our first Alpha will start on Wednesday, April 22nd at 7:00pm.

As we prepare for the start of Alpha, there are a number of key roles for which we need your support. We are preparing to build our core team that will help run the Alpha sessions. This task will involve helping to facilitate a small group and building supportive relationships with the guests over the course of the program. All those interested in leading will need to participate in training prior to the start of Alpha. Please contact Kari to discuss becoming an Alpha leader at

Additionally, we are hoping to get another large group of volunteers to help with cooking, shopping, set up/pack up, and building a prayer team for Alpha. These roles may seem simple but hospitality is an essential part of Alpha; if guests feel welcome and comfortable they are more likely to be receptive to what they are hearing and more open to becoming part of our community. Good hospitality is an essential part of evangelisation! Please email or call Kari in the parish office to learn more about these roles and keep an eye out for task signup sheets in the church foyer.