15 Ways to Pass the Next 15 Days

By Mariana Kelly

I think most of us would agree that this last round of lock-down has been difficult. Life might seem routine and mundane, and finding something new to do within the confines of our home might be that bit more challenging. You may have already reorganised and cleaned your house within an inch of its life, or, watched every decent Netflix series you've come across. So to help pass the time, here are a few more ideas to try now that we are on the home stretch before this stage of lock-down ends.

1. Set a new exercise goal and start tracking your progress.

2. Try a new recipe each day.

3. Learn the Marie Kondo folding style.

4. Learn to Waltz/Tango.

5. Make a bucket list.

6. Have a wine and cheese evening over Zoom with friends.

7. Write a letter.

8. Grow an avocado sprout from a seed.

9. Tackle one closet to reorganise.

10. Plant your Spring garden.

11. Complete one DIY project that you have left unfinished.

12. Write a haiku.

13. Read some Shakespeare and/or watch a film based on one of his plays.

14. Create a photo album of your treasured memories.

15. Join Holy Family’s daily prayer and Sunday talks.